professional team

Getting your Professional Team Together

December 25, 2017

Getting your Professional Team Together

When preparing to sell your home, you may need to hire several professionals in addition to your REALTOR®. You may consider a plumber to fix a dripping bathroom shower, a home inspector to make sure there are no “issues”, and an attorney to handle all the legal matters.

By hiring the right professionals, you will improve your chances of having everything go smoothly. You’re more likely to have your home sell quickly, and at the best possible price. Hiring the wrong professionals will have, well, the opposite effect!

How do you hire the right professionals?

Qualifications. Ask what specific degree, certification or training they’ve received. Many professionals in the home industry are licensed or certified by their respective professional or trade associations.

Experience. Since you’ll be relying on the skills, advice and insights of each professional you hire, you should make sure they have experience in the fields you need.

Reputation. Ask for client testimonials or references.

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