REALTOR & Agents

What You Should Expect Out Of A Great Listing Agent.

What You Should Expect Out Of A Great Listing Agent.

The top listing agents don’t just post your home for sale online for prospective home buyers to submit bids, they maximize your chances of getting the best price by performing dozens of activities that lead to selling your home. Use this checklist to ensure that your selling agent is doing their job:

  • Analysis of pricing trends and local price per square foot
  • Automatic posting on all major online home search sites
  • Advertising in local publications
  • Prepping and staging expertise
  • Professional photography
  • Creation of marketing documents (flyers, etc.)
  • Access and monitoring of your private lock-box
  • Direct mail marketing program
  • Development of virtual tour (bonus)
  • Exclusive previews for other real estate brokers
  • Research on buyer motivations and capacity
  • 24-hour response turnaround time on client requests
  • At least 2 open houses

Your Real Estate Agent Should Be a Trusted Partner

Buying a home is usually the largest single transaction you will ever make, so it’s a pretty big deal!  Shouldn’t you have someone you trust helping to guide you though the process?


Here are some of the many services you can expect from ME_US_LC as your agent:

  • Accessing every home on the market (and some that aren’t yet!)
  • Viewing properties that are inaccessible without an agent
  • Referring you to qualified professionals (insurance, mortgage, legal, etc.)
  • Successfully negotiating the best price and terms
  • Representing you through the contract, escrow and closing process

I_WE know that the process of buying a home can be daunting, and I_AM_WE_ARE_LC here to help you through it every step of the way. Please do not hesitate to contact ME_US_LC when you are ready to take the next step or if you have any questions. I_WE_LC  look forward to assisting you.
