Home Improvements

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Buying a Home That Needs Work

Buying a Home That Needs Work

September 5, 2017

When you’re shopping for a new home, you may come across properties that require repairs or renovations. Are these houses worth the added expense? Will you get your money back if you decide to sell the house in the future?

According to market studies, certain renovations and repairs do add more value to a home than the repairs typically cost. These include kitchen and bathroom renovations, new or improved landscaping, and electrical and plumbing repairs.

Make Your Home Show Better

Make Your Home Show Better

October 30, 2017

It’s no secret in the real estate world that the more attractive your home looks to potential buyers, the more likely it will be to sell quickly and for a good price. So, obviously, you want to do everything you can to ensure your home “shows” well.

But before you invest in a major renovation or other costly improvements – which may not be necessary – consider these low-cost tips first.

Paint. This is the easiest and most cost-effective way to make a room or other area of your home look bright and new.

Potted flowers. Flowers always brighten up a space. And if they’re potted, you can place them anywhere – in the foyer, outside the front door, even on the back deck.

New mats. Mats get worn and stained so easily. Place new mats at all entranceways.

Obvious repairs. A squeaky fence gate. A dripping faucet. A broken floor tile. People notice. Get these repaired.

Upgraded lighting. Improve the lighting in key areas of your home, such as the basement, which tends to be darker.

These tips won’t cost much and are relatively easy to implement. Yet, they can have a dramatic affect on how well your home shows.

To Paint or Not to Paint

To Paint or Not to Paint

To Paint or Not to Paint

December 11, 2017

Painting the outside of your home traditionally takes more time and expense than a comparable area on the inside. You have to deal with ladders, more paint and, of course, the weather. So when preparing your house for sale, you don’t want to do any exterior painting unless it is really necessary.

How can you tell? Walk across the street and cast a critical eye on your house. Can you notice areas where the paint is chipped or faded? If so, then so will potential buyers. It’s worth your while to invest in getting a fresh coat of paint on these areas. The good news is that painting, whether on the exterior or interior, is the least expensive way to make your home look more attractive — and therefore more desirable to buyers.

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